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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I am but one entity in this world.
But i like a star , even with a small light,
someday , i want to be stronger and stronger.
because you let me know understand what is love,
i will contineues guard you as a star above you .
even you will never notice my exist,
as long as i can be someone behind you protect you love you.
那就足够了 . 不是吗? 真的希望希望....我`

Blogged @ 12:14 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, October 21, 2007

i remember there was a time when a girl met a boy in this cruel world. They live happily together.There of course would be sadness when the boy told the girl that he had to leave her for sometimes but afterall fate had brought them together.

Things went awry when there was another girl came along the path of theirs' . They started quarrelling.Out of jealously girl start blaming the boy for having talk more to the other girl instead of her. The boy of course his heart wouldn't dare to think that way. The boy was just too naive to even spare a thought for his girl friend actually care and love him that much.He had made his girl friend cried a millions of times every night yet he was still thinking that his girl friend was just too sensitive. When the boy realised that his girl friend actually love him that much he decided to draw a deep line between he and the other girl. The boy however didnt notice that the girl's heart was already full of disappointment scar. No matter such things happened his girl friend again forgiven the boy. However the boy did not learn his lesson instead he even abusing his girl friend do things for him. His girl friend was just too nice every now and then does what her boy friend told her to do. For such a long time the boy even get use to abuse his girl friend. However the girl did not want anything in return she just want her boy friend can care more about her instead those nonsenses been doing on her. Sad to say the boy not only never notice that he even scold his girl friend for not company him to those 'nonsenses' he been doing.

Finally the day came. The girl requested to break the relation because she fell for another guy.The boy then realised his mistake had harm her too much really too much till the stage whereby his girl friend only met the other guy twice and she fell for him.

HaHa really sad endin the girl and the boy together for 1 year and 7 months , 19 months , 570 days , 13680 hours , 820800 minutes , 49248000 seconds don't even have the right to fight for just a 2 days relation or rather just a meeting of each other.

Memories flooding through his thought , tears are rolling is his eyes , a millions of needles inserting into his heart . I think its all the boy's feeling now.

i need you , i really need you , lynn i must not leave you , i really hope i can have another chance to love you , have the chance to take care of you till the day i leave this cruel place.

Blogged @ 9:21 PM
Don't let me go -